Thursday, October 21, 2010

We put math shapes onto a pumpkin and created Jack-O-Lantern faces.
Count Dracula! We put on a cape and counted items in a jar and practiced numeral writing.
We used fall creatures to create patterns.
We were teachers this week! We got to write on the big white board to practice numbers!
We are building fine motor skills by using a paper punch and sewing yarn through apples!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We have been learning about apples for Miss A. We each brought an apple from home and weighed a partner's apple to see who had a heavier apple and who had a lighter apple. We also learned about Venn Diagrams by sorting our apples by color.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This week we read The Great Big Turnip. We retold the story by performing a puppet show for our third grade friends. We had a lot of fun retelling the story!
This week we built patterns. Each group had a different material to use. Ask your child which pattern they helped create.